Pipilotti Rist

Pipilotti Rist is an artist unlike any I have ever seen before. As I watched her, I kind of found myself in a giggle. She is definitely unordinary, but in such an interesting way. I was sure to look at her art in the most open-minded way I could and try to understand where she is coming from. And by the end of it, I think I formed such a respect for her artwork, and here is why. She looks at the history of what to us may seem like a mundane, daily object and finds deep and beautiful meaning to it. Her fascination of the world around her is admirable. She seems like a such a light and is capable of creating art out of even the most unexpected things.

The difference between Rist and the common artist of our day is that she is not necessarily using a paint brush, or a canvas. Her art is in her everyday objects, her tools. It is the world around her. She looks at everything like it has a story and allows it to inspire her. Her creativity is out of this world, and I wish my brain worked like hers does. A traditional artist would perhaps find an abstract idea and turn it into a painting or a film. Rist, on the other hand, creates an abstract idea out of concrete things that already exist, which is a lot more difficult than it may seem.
